Meeting Convened by K1TWF at 7:00PM
Attendees: 15.5
Intro: “What was your best Field Day experiences?”
A sampling of the memories include:
- Operating 5A on the top of Nashoba Mountain. Clearing an area and getting poison ivy to show for it!
- Beer with Kielbasi from the grill.
- Operating on an island in the middle of a lake; battling mosquitos only to find that it was the wrong weekend:-)
- Radio from a bluff overlooking Puget Sound.
- Touring all of the New England sites on a previous FD
- Operating from Tokyo in 1950
- Using rather irreverant phonetics.
Snippets from April’s BOD:
- BOD meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of the Month at TWF’s house in Chelmsford
- All members are welcome.
- It was decided to not use regular meeting time to review the BOD notes. Membership should review the notes posted on the website.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Finances were discussed verbally.
- Balanced will not be posted in the regular meeting notes due do privacy desires
Other General Notes:
- For the foreseeable future, no meeting notes will be issued. The website will be used for documentation purposes.
- K1TW will issue a short reminder email before each meeting
- Contributions of website content may be made c/o K1IR, K1TW or KE1V.
- The weekly BARS breakfast will be held at Stellios in Billerica on Saturdays at 8:15. There’s plenty of space for a good sized crowd.
Nearfest reflections:
- Weather was great. Only two drops of rain were recorded.
- ~30 people at the VE session.
- The Jam session was active enough to prompt some sad soul to call the police.
Upcoming convention at Dayton
- Three club members are going.
- K0TV flying out on a private plane.
- K1IR is heading out and will work enough to write off his costs as a business expense
- K1TW is heading out on Thursday to attend the QRP session
- The organization is looking for volunteers. If interested, consult the website.
- There is a training session on 5/31
Field Day:
- Organization is proceeding. It will be a low-stress activity with an emphasis being placed on food and companionship
- We will operate 2A at Nan’s place which has a screened porch and a barbecue.
- Send an email to Nan at with suggestions or consumables that you will be bringing.
- K1TW will chair the activity.
- Most of the equipment is available between K1TWF and K0TV and club “stock”
- Operations:
- Daytime: 20/40M
- Nighttime: 40/80M but looking for openings elsewhere.
- Send an email to Tom ( if you plan on bringing some equipment.
- We’ll be operating from the comfort of Nan’s porch which offers a bug-free environment.
- K1TW will prepare a list of equipment for the June meeting
- We need volunteers for setup, takedown, operation and eating;-)
Website Overview:
- K1IR gave an overview of the website design and operations.
- It’s based on WordPress
- The goal here is to have a dynamic website based on regular, simple contributions to the site, news feeds, etc.
- Someone (who?) will put up instructions on how to sign up for the club yahoo group.
- K1TW will work on enhancing the “about” page
- Membership is encouraged to develop their individual profiles
Meeting adjourned around 9PM
73 DE KE1V