March 4 Meeting to feature History of Shortwave broadcasting

Program: Our guest for the evening will be Jerry Berg, who will talk about another side of radio–the history of shortwave broadcasting. Jerry has been a shortwave listener since the 1950s, and for the past 30 years he has also been active in researching the history of shortwave broadcasting, and …

March 4 Meeting to feature History of Shortwave broadcasting Read More

New Location. February 4th Meeting. “The Elecraft K3 Transceiver” by Erik Kramer KE1V

Program: The Elecraft K3 by Erik Kramer KE1V Erik will review his experiences building his Elecraft K3 HF rig. He will cover the options he chose and why and his initial operating experiences in some recent contests. Some time will also be spent on his overall station setup and future …

New Location. February 4th Meeting. “The Elecraft K3 Transceiver” by Erik Kramer KE1V Read More