- March 5, 2025 BARS Meeting – Jay Taft, K1EHZ, Presents an Overview of the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN)
I am pleased to announce that our Guest Speaker for our March 5th hybrid Club Meeting will be Jay Taft, K1EHZ. Jay is the President of the Merrimack Valley Amateur Radio Association located in Auburn NH. He has been actively promoting the use of AREDN, the “Amateur Radio Emergency Data …
- February 5, 2025 BARS Meeting – Bruce Pigott, KC1US, With an Overview of the Minuteman Repeater Association
I am pleased to announce that our Guest Speaker for our February 5 hybrid Club Meeting will be Bruce Pigott, KC1US, who is the Trustee for the North Reading Repeater on the frequency of 146.715. The presentation is a quick overview of the Minuteman Repeater Association repeaters and network. Will …
- January 15, 2025 BARS Meeting – BARS Holiday Party, 6:30 pm at the Great Wall in Bedford
Just a reminder that we will be having our Annual Holiday Party on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at the Great Wall Restaurant in Bedford, MA. We will be having a buffet. I will check on the pricing and send out an email to members when I confirm that. We will …
- December 4, 2024 BARS Meeting – An Evening with the New England Area Director: Tom Frenaye, K1KI
I am pleased to announce that we will be having Tom Frenaye, K1KI, the newly elected New England Area Director. Here is Tom’s bio: I’ve served as ARRL Director in the past and am currently elected as an ARRL Director Emeritus. I’ve been licensed since I was 14 years old, …
- November 6, 2024 BARS Meeting – Anthony Luscre, K8ZT, on Successful Operating Tools for Assessing Performance
I would like to announce our Guest Speaker for the November 6, 2024, hybrid club meeting. Here is Anthony’s biography: First licensed in 1981 as KA8NRC, Anthony has been a QRP operator from his very first QSO (no one told him Novices should not start with a 2-watt QRP rig). …
- October 2, 2024 BARS Meeting – Terry Dennison, K9TAD, on Sunspots and Radio Propagation
We are pleased to announce that Terry Dennison, K9TAD, will be our Guest Speaker via Zoom on Wednesday Night, October 2, 2024. Terry will give a talk on Sunspot and Radio Propagation. Here are some biographical details about Terry: FCC Extra Class Amateur Radio License (2010), First Licensed in 2007 …
- September 4, 2024 BARS Meeting – Mike Walker, VA3MW, on Flex Radio: It’s Not Your Father’s HF Rig
I am pleased to announce that we will be having Mike Walker, VA3MW, as our Guest Speaker for the September 4, 2024 hybrid Club meeting. Mike will do a presentation entitled “Flex Radio: Not Your Father’s HF Radio” Mike, from FlexRadio Systems, will spend about an hour showing how today’s …
- August 7, 2024 BARS Meeting – Steve Johnston, WD8DAS, on WWVH in Hawaii
I would like to announce our “guest speaker video” for the August 7, 2024, Club meeting via Zoom. We will be having a YouTube video discussing the operations of radio station WWVH in Hawaii. This video is a virtual tour of the NIST shortwave time standard station for the Pacific …
- July 10, 2024 BARS Meeting – Bill Mader, K8TE, on HF Propagation
I am pleased to announce that Bill Mader, K8TE, will present to the Club on HF Propagation Fact vs Hype and Misunderstanding. Here is Bill’s BIO from his QRZ page: Presenter’s Bio: Appointed to a third term as ARRL Section Manager for New Mexico, I am honored to serve in …
- June 5, 2024 BARS Meeting – Gene Spinelli, K5GS, on Clipperton Island 2024 TX5S DXpedition Highlights
I am pleased to announce that our Guest Speaker for our June 5, 2024 hybrid Club Meeting at the Church will be Gene Spinelli, K5GS, who was the co-founder of the DXpedition TX5S to Clipperton Island in late January of 2024. Presenter’s Bio: First licensed in 1976, my interest in …
- May 1, 2024 BARS Meeting – Donald W. Kane, WB2BEZ, on an Overview of Grounding and Bonding
I am pleased to announce that we will be having Donald Kane, WB2BEZ, as our Guest Speaker for the in person/Zoom Meeting at the Church on May 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM. Don will be presenting on Grounding and Safety In The Ham Shack, so you won’t want to miss …
- April 3, 2024 BARS Meeting – Douglas Bruce Millar, K6JEY, on Test Equipment for Hams Explained
We are pleased to announce that Douglas Bruce Millar, (I’m not kidding!) K6JEY, will be our Guest Speaker via Zoom and he will give a presentation entitled “Test Equipment for Hams, including Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs) Explained” Doug got his novice ticket in 1957. He has always liked VHF and …
- March 6, 2024 BARS Meeting – Bruce Blain, K1BG – ARRL Club Coordinator Role and Suggestions For Our Club
It is with great pleasure that I announce Bruce Blain, K1BG, as our Guest Speaker for our hybrid Club Meeting on Wednesday March 6 at the Chelmsford Bible Church. Bruce is the ARRL Eastern Mass Club Coordinator. He was first introduced to amateur radio by his neighbor Jim Payne, W1GPN, …
- February 7, 2024 BARS Meeting – Don Greenbaum, N1DG, on DXpeditions
I am pleased to announce that our Guest speaker for the Club Meeting (via Zoom and in person!) will be Don Greenbaum, N1DG, of Duxbury, MA. Don grew up in New York City and the NJ Shore. His father, WA2UDV, was his radio mentor and two other siblings also had …
- Next BARS Meeting – February 7, 2024
There will be no speaker in January, as we have the club meeting at The Great Wall Restaurant in Bedford, MA. We will be doing a Yankee Swap so everyone is invited to bring a swap gift up to a $20.00 value if you want to participate. The buffet is …
- December 6 , 2023 BARS Meeting – Frank Garofalo, WA2NDV, on Basic Satellite Tracking
Frank was originally licensed in 1970 in Corona Queens, New York by way of the Electchester Amateur Radio Club and his cousin Hugo (sk). He was in 8th grade at the time and it gave my life a direction. Amateur Radio has allowed him to work in many diverse places …
- November 1, 2023 BARS Meeting – Rick Roderick, K5UR, on What’s New at the ARRL
I am pleased to announce that our Guest Speaker for the November 1, 2023, Club Meeting via Zoom will be none other than Rick Roderick, K5UR, the current President of the ARRL! Rick will give a talk on what’s new at the ARRL and will share valuable insights on our …
- October 4, 2023 BARS Meeting – Sierra G Harrop, W5DX, on ARRL Outreach
I am pleased to announce that our Guest Speaker for the October Club meeting on October 4, 2023, will be Sierra G Harrop, the Public Relations and Outreach Manager for the ARRL. “Needless to say, I love my job! I get to come to work each morning and work to …
- August 2, 2023 BARS Meeting – Rob Sherwood, NC0B, on Transceiver Testing
I am excited to inform the Club that I have secured Rob Sherwood, of Sherwood Engineering to be our Guest Speaker for the August 2, 2023 Club Meeting via Zoom. Here is Bob’s bio, which is quite impressive. Bob is the Gold Standard with regard to review and testing of …
- July 5, 2023 BARS Meeting – Ria Jairam, N2RJ, on Software-Defined Ham Radio
Our Guest Speaker at our meeting on Wednesday, July 5, will be Ria Jairam, N2RJ. Ria is from Sussex, New Jersey and is well known and respected around the ham radio community. Among her many credentials are: Life member, ARRL Past Director, Hudson Division, ARRL (2019-2023) Member of : Amsat, …
- June 7, 2023 BARS Meeting – Donna Halper on Hams in Broadcasting
Donna Halper will be presenting about the role amateurs played in early commercial radio and sports broadcasting. Donna was born here in Massachusetts and began working in the broadcasting field in 1968 as a DJ and music director. In 1974, while at WMMS in Cleveland she “discovered” the progressive rock …
- May 3, 2023 BARS Meeting – Dennis Boye, AH2O, on Parks on the Air
Our Guest Speaker for the May 2023 Club Meeting will be Dennis Boye, AH2O from Syosset, NY. Dennis will be sharing a presentation on P.O.T.A. (Parks On The Air), which is fast becoming very popular, especially now that Spring has finally come after a long cold winter. Here is a …
- April 5, 2023 BARS Meeting – Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT, on Antennas – the Third Dimension
Our guest speaker for the Club Meeting on April 5, 2023 will be Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT, and he will give a presentation entitled “Antennas – The Third Dimension”. Gary was Licensed as WN9FRG in 1970. Other calls he has held: WB9FRG, WB9FRG/6W8, W0XT. He also has an FCC General Radiotelephone …
- March 1, 2023 BARS Meeting – Tom Carrubba, KA2D, on HF DXing and Logging
I am pleased to announce that we will have Tom Carrubba, KA2D, who will give us a dual presentation on DX’ing on the H bands, as well as a tutorial on using logging programs. Tom was first licensed in 1978 as KA2DFO. He is an active DXer, DXCC CW, RTTY …
- February 1, 2023 BARS Meeting: Bruce Blain, K1BG, on “CW Basics”
We will be having Bruce Blain, K1BG as our Guest Speaker for the February 1, 2023 Club Meeting. Bruce will give an informative talk about the basics of CW for us. Bruce was first introduced to amateur radio by his neighbor Jim Payne, W1GPN, when he was 4 years old. …
- Linux in Your Ham Shack Slides
Special thanks to Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ, for a great talk on Linux in Your Ham Shack at this month’s meeting. Andy has graciously shared his slides from the talk with us. You can find them here: Andy_Ham_Radio_Linux
- January 5 BARS Meeting: Mike Raisebeck, K1TWF
The ARRL Board of Director’s meeting is coming up in mid- January. BARS’s own Mike (who is First VP of the ARRL in addition to serving as VP for BARS) will give us an overview of what’s on the agenda and other news from Headquarters. We will announce the link …
- BARS Meeting on Zoom: Wed, Oct. 6 at 7 PM: Fox Hunting by Alan Hicks, KD1D
Alan, KD1D, will make a presentation on locating hidden transmitters for hams. He’ll discuss “fox” transmitters and radiolocation methods for fun, radiosport and practical applications. RF fox hunting is fun, provides us with physical and mental exercise and teaches us how to locate sources of interference like repeater trolls, stuck …
- BARS Meeting on Zoom: Wed, Sept. 1, 2021, 7 PM. Neil Goldstein, W2NDG. Topic: What’s new in Digital Modes
What’s New in Digital Modes? Presenter: Neil Goldstein, W2NDG This is a discussion on HF Digital Modes concentrating on FT8. The history and evolution of WSJT-X modes and its derivatives, like JS8-Call, JT-65, FT-4 and WSPR. We will also look at a few standalone kits for digital modes that you …
- Next B.A.R.S. Zoom Club Meeting Wednesday August 4th at 7:00 PM Guest Speaker will be Rob Macedo KD1CY Topic: SkyWarn
Our featured speaker will be Rob Macedo, KD1CY, who can do a very timely Skywarn Overview beginning at 7:15 or 7;20 PM on August 4th on Zoom with the BARS club. Skywarn is something virtually every BARS member can participate in and it uses the Westford Repeater for all local Skywarn activations. …
- Next Club Zoom Meeting Wednesday Night 7/7/21 Via Zoom
Our next Club Meeting will be Wednesday night 7/7/21 via Zoom and our guest speaker will be Fred Kemmerer AB1OC and he will have a presentation entitled “Programs Helping Hams to Develop New Skills and Get On The Air”. Fred is a great speaker and we are fortunate to have …
- Next Zoom Club Meeting Wednesday, June 2, 2021 7:00 PM via Zoom with Terry Snyder WB3BKN
Our feature speaker this month is Terry Snyder, WB3BKN, an expert on a lot of different wire antennas for any application in ham radio that you can think of. Terry will do a presentation centered on a number of different antenna designs, from the vertical, to the loop, to the …
- Next Zoom Club Meeting Wednesday May 5, 2021 7:00 PM via Zoom
Hello All! Our next Club Meeting via Zoom will be on Wednesday night, May 5, 2021 via Zoom. Our featured speaker for the night will be Terry Stader, KA8SCP, and Terry will give a presentation on the DSTAR digital mode which has been, and will be, a popular digital mode. …
- Next Zoom Club Meeting Wednesday 4/7/21 Bill Barber NE1B DMR Presentation
The next Club Zoom Meeting will be Wednesday 4/721 at 7:00 PM and our Guest Speaker will be Bill Barber NE1B. Bill will be doing what will be a presentation on the DMR Digital mode. I am sure this will be a very interesting and informative presentation. Please be sure …
- Next Zoom Club Meeting Meeting March 3, 2021 7:00 PM Fusion System (Yaesu Digital Mode) Presentation by Brian WO1VES
Come join us for an informative presentation on the Fusion digital mode by Brian WO1VES. Brian runs the growing Wolfpack Repeater Network featuring the System Fusion digital technology by Yaesu. This is a must see presentation so please mark this on your calendar! 73 Doug
- Next B.A.R.S Zoom Meeting is at 7:00 PM Wednesday February 3, 2021 Donna Halper and “How the Amateurs Created Boston Radio”
Join us for the next B.A.R.S Club Zoom Meeting for an interesting and informative presentation by Donna Halper, noted Boston Radio Historian entitled “How the Amateurs Created Boston Radio”. This will be a wonderful presentation by Donna that I am sure everyone will enjoy! Hope to see you then!
- Next B.A.R.S. Zoom Meeting is Wednesday January 6, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Guest Speaker will be Bruce MacKinnon KC1FSZ and he will give a presentation on the Nano VNA Network Analyzer! Be sure not to miss this one!
- Next BARS meeting: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 7:00PM: Eric, KV1J – QSL Sort and Free Pizza!
Everyone, I am pleased to announce that yet again we will have our annual QSL sort and pizza party! Eric Williams, KV1J, is a volunteer for the W1 QSL Bureau, sponsored by the Yankee Clipper Contest Club. http://www.w1qsl.org/ http://yccc.org/ The W1 QSL Bureau is a service which accepts incoming QSLs …
- BARS Field Day Photos & Video
If you didn’t receive the email that recently went out, or if you’re not on Facebook, the BARS Field Day photos and recap video are now available. Click here to check out the photos. If you’re not on Facebook, a window might pop up when you click the link to …
- BARS ARRL Field Day 2019 6/22 – 6/23 announcement
Billerica Amateur Radio Society ARRL Field Day 2019 Announcement BARS will be on the air as W1HH for Field Day 2019 (June 22 and 23) in Billerica! Operation will be class 2F – two 100W HF CW/SSB stations, at an emergency operations center. We will have emergency power available. Bands …
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Hi, Everyone! Our next meeting will be Wednesday, September 5, 2018. This meeting will feature our yearly QSL Sort with Eric Williams, KV1J of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club/ARRL W1 Incoming QSL Bureau. BARS is glad to help Eric out by sorting incoming cards to speed the distribution process. As …
- BOD Meeting – February 2018
BARS BOD Meeting 21 February 2018 Attendees: Andy Wallace, KA1GTT Kayla Creamer, W2IRY Bruce Anderson, W1LUS (via phone) Paula Crock, KC1EDA Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF Henry Christle, WA1VAB Start Time: 6:05 End Time: 7:15 This meeting covered items from a task list put together by Andy KA1GTT. Topic …
- BARS Holiday Party on January 3, 2018
In lieu of a regular club meeting, we are holding a Holiday Party! The BARS January 3rd Holiday Party Location is in Bedford, MA. This month’s meeting is very special as we greet the New Year and hold a New Year’s version of our traditional Yankee Swap. Here are the …
- Next BARS Meeting: Wednesday, December 6 at 7 PM
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM. The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, December 6, 2017. Guest: Marcia Forde, KW1U. Marcia is the ARRL Section Traffic Manager (STM) for the Eastern Massachusetts (EMA) section. Topic: Message Handling and the National Traffic System (NTS). Marcia, KW1U, is the …
- Regular Meeting – October 2017
Meeting begun by Tom, K1TW, about 7PM. Issues brought up: Hacking of Yahoo accounts – changing of passwords recommended. Discussion: BARS should move from Yahoo Groups by 12/1/17. Action item for Jesse. A motion was approved to do this move. Congratulations were extended to Jesse, W1DEA, for the Newsletters being …
- BOD Meeting – October 2017
Attendees: Andy KA1GTT, Tom K1TW, Kayla W2IRY (phone), Bruce W1LUS, Henry WA1VAB, Niece KA1ULN, Mike K1TWF. The meeting began at 6PM on October 10th at the BATV office in Billerica with the following brought up by Tom: BARS will hold elections at its November meeting. The ByLaws should be updated …
- November 1st Meeting: The Sputnik Years
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM. The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, November 1, 2017. Guest: Kelly Beatty, Sky and Telescope Magazine Topic:The Sputnik Years When a Russian rocket lofted Sputnik 1 into orbit on October 4, 1957, the worldwide reaction was a mixture of awe …
- October 4th Meeting: Entry Level License Requirements – What Worked and What Didn’t
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM. The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, October 4, 2017. Guest: Bruce Blain, K1BG Topic: Entry Level License Requirements – What Worked and What Didn’t Abstract: All of us entered the amateur radio hobby in a number of different ways. Whether …
- Regular Meeting – September 2017
7:20 pm – Meeting called to order by Mike, K1TWF – Mike gave a brief intro/explanation about Boxboro for our new members – Bruce gave a treasurer’s report. We currently have a balance of $701.91. – Bruce reminded members that September means it’s time for annual dues. – Mike introduced …
- Start the fall season with our “2nd Annual Pizza and QSL Party” – Wednesday, September 6
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, September 6, 2017. This is our first meeting of the new radio season. Free Pizza and Beverages will be available! Guest: Eric, KV1J from the W1QSL Bureau Topic: We are having a Pizza Party! …
- Ice Cream Social Rescheduled to Saturday, August 19th (1-4 PM)
Special Summer Event on Saturday August 19, 1-4 PM. Ice Cream Social at Gary’s Ice Cream across from the Bible Church. This coincides with the North American QSO Party on SSB so we will almost certainly setup a station to operate in the contest. Please join us. This is a …
- BOD Meeting – July 2017
BARS BOD MEETING REPORT 7/29/17 Held at BATV – opened at 9:15 by Tom, BARS President. Attendees: Tom, Bruce, Andy, Kayla, Jesse (observer), Niece, Mike. Tom thanked Jesse for his outstanding work as FD chair. Proposed August meeting be ice cream social at Gary’s. Start 6PM. If inclement weather, meet …
- Regular Meeting – August 2017
BARS meeting report 8/2/17 Meeting opened at the Church at 7:15. Ice Cream Social at Gary’s was cancelled due to weather. Tom opened the meeting as the BARS President. The September meeting will be a QSL sort with KV1J. Pizza will be ordered by Paul K1VK and the Club will …
- Regular Meeting – July 2017
BARS meeting report 7/5/17 Tom, K1TW, began the meeting at 7:05. A signup sheet was passed. Bruce, W1LUS, gave a treasurer’s report of $814.31 in the account. In addition, Tom passed to him the $106 collected from the Field Day donation jar. This would be added to the account. There …
- Next Meeting: Join us for the Ice Cream Social, August 2, 2017, 6-8 PM.
Next Meeting is August 2, 2017 at 6:00 PM. Topic: Ice Cream Social at Gary’s Ice Cream across from the Bible Church Location: Chelmsford Bible Church, 128 Gorham St., Chelmsford MA Details shortly. We may be setting up a station or having some short talks/demos.
- Special Summer Meeting: Wednesday, July 5 – HAMSCI and the Solar Eclipse
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at 7 PM. Topic: Participating in the Solar Eclipse via WSPR and the QSO Party. Speaker: Stan, KD1LE Stan Pozerski, KD1LE, will talk about the HamSCI QSO party that will be …
- BARS Field Day is this weekend: June 24 and 25!
Be sure to show up and operate, help with setup or just socialize… and don’t forget the BBQ Saturday at 6PM and Breakfast Sunday Morning at 9AM! We look forward to seeing you there! For more information
- Next Meeting is June 7th at 7 PM
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, June 7, 2017 at 7 PM. Topic: BARS Field Day and more. What are you doing the weekend of June 24 and 25? Why joining BARS for Field Day, we hope! Field Day is …
- Regular Meeting – May 2017
Tom, K1TW started the meeting at 7:05. He talked about the W1AF Harvard University Symposium and SETI. Bruce, W1LUS, said that he needs additional VEs at Near-Fest for a blind ham going to upgrade. Bruce said there is $822.31 in the Treasury. Jim, N1HTS, talked about BARS setting up at …
- BARS 2017 Field Day Plan
Field Day June 24 – 25, 2017 Start: 1800 UTC Saturday End: 2100 UTC Sunday Where: 65 Littleton Road, Chelmsford, MA What is Field Day? The 4th weekend in June is just around the corner. That means its time to get ready for Field Day, one of ham radio’s most …
- April 5, BARS Meeting – Girl Scouts and Guides “Thinking Day on the Air” Generates Enthusiasm for Ham Radio
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 7 PM. The Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) invites all parents, grandparents, and scout members to join them for a very special youth-oriented presentation on Wednesday, April 5 at 7 …
- Regular Meeting – March 2017
7:05 PM – K1TW, Tom, opens the meeting. Tom provided the coffee and donuts this time. Tom started by encouraging people to check out the ARRL International DX SSB contest this upcoming weekend. The goal is to work stations outside North America. The question for the roundtable was “are you …
- Next BARS Meeting – Wednesday March 1, 2017: “W1UE’s Great Asian Adventure”
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 7 PM. Topic: “W1UE’s Great Asian Adventure”. Dennis, W1UE will describe his amateur radio trip to several Asian countries in the fall of 2016. Dennis journeyed to India, Thailand and …
- Regular Meeting – February 2017
Meeting opened at 7:10PM. Tom, K1TW, asked about new attendees. Mike, KC1DKT announced he was a first time attendee. Henry, WA1VAB, stated he is a CW lover and can copy 80WPM! Niece, KA1ULN, mentioned her 10M CW Net. Friday, 8:30PM Eastern, 28.080. All hams are encouraged to check into this …
- Next BARS Meeting: Wednesday February 1, 2017
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, February 1, 2017. Topic: “Why CW?” Tonight’s presentation introduces you to “Why CW” has been such an important part of Amateur Radio for decades. CW is truly experiencing a renaissance in the 21st century …
- January 4, 2017 – BARS Holiday Meeting
The January 4th Holiday Meeting Location is in Bedford, MA. This month’s meeting is very special as we greet the New Year and hold a New Year’s version of our traditional Yankee Swap Here are the details: Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2017 Time: 7:00 PM Where: Great Wall Restaurant, 309 …
- Regular Meeting – December 2016
The meeting was started at 7:07PM by Mike, K1TWF. Niece, KA1ULN, gave an overview of BARS 2-meter Net activities. There was a question concerning the 10-meter activity on 28430. Andy, KA1GTT, clarified that it is not a formal BARS net but an informal congregation place for Lowell/Chelmsford locals and that …
- BARS Meeting: December 7, 2016 – “Show and Tell” with 2 Featured Presentations
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, December 7, 2016. Join us at 5:30 PM for a pre-meeting gathering at Bertucci’s, 14 Littleton Rd., Chelmsford, MA 01824 Presentations for the “Show and Tell” include: Eric, WB1HBU: Feature Talk on the “SDR …
- Regular Meeting – November 2016
Meeting commenced at 7PM by Mike, K1TWF, President. Immediate business was a rundown of things that are going well: new members, the Wednesday Net, Stelio’s breakfast. There was a brief Near-Fest report, with attendees being approximately 1500. Andy, KA1GTT, brought up whether there was a new policy requiring you to …
- BOD Meeting – October 2016
Meeting call to order by Tom, K1TW, BARS VP at 1835. October 25,2016 News: – BARS added 3 new members from the last VE session. – Bruce W1LUS, club Treasurer, passed out a printed copy of the BARS insurance policy and noted the $220 premium has been paid. – The …
- November 2 BARS Meeting: Intro to JT65 and WSPR Digital Modes
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, November 2, 2016. Club elections will be held followed by our evening presentation. Guest Speaker: Charlie Bures, WA3ITR Topic: “Introduction to the JT65 Digital Mode and WSPR”. “Introduction to JT-65 & WSPR” is a …
- October 5 Meeting: “October and HF”. It just doesn’t get any better than this (except maybe for November!)
Want to become active on HF? This is the meeting you need to attend. October and November are truly sweet spots for HF radio propagation in the calendar year. That is why so many contests and other activities ramp up in October and November. BARS “Get on the Air” project …
- BOD Meeting – August 2016
BILLERICA AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY (BARS) BOARD MEETING 8/10/16 Club VP K1TW opened the meeting at 1906 The present status of the club was discussed. Positive accomplishments over the last year noted. + The club has an active net with KA1ULN as net manager. + There are successful Saturday breakfast sessions …
- September 7 BARS Meeting – It’s a QSL and Pizza Party!
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, September 7, 2016. This is our first meeting of the new radio season. Free Pizza and Beverages will be available! Guest: Eric, KV1J from the W1QSL Bureau Topic: We are having a Pizza Party! …
- BOD Meeting – August 2016
BARS BOARD Meeting Monday, August 8, 2016 6:30 PM Feng Shui Restaurant, 285 Chelmsford St, Chelmsford, MA 01824. Members are welcome to attend. 73, Tom K1TW BARS VP
- No BARS Meetings in July and August
BARS is on its annual summer meeting break. Please join us again on September 7. In the meantime, VE sessions will continue in July and August as will the Saturday morning breakfast and Wednesday evening nets.
- BARS Meeting: Wednesday, June 1: DXing Adventures in Nicaragua
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, June 1st, 2016. This will be our final meeting before the Summer Break and its a really good one! Topic: “DXing Adventures in Nicaragua” Our Guest Presenters are Mike Rioux, W1USN and Bob Reiser, …
- Join us at our May 4th Meeting for the “HF Experience”
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, May 4th, 2016. Topic: “The HF Experience” Our Guest Presenter is Gerry Hull, W1VE. Gerry will present on the joys of HF operation and do live on-air demonstrations. This talk is about a new …
- Regular Meeting – March 2016
Excellent meeting tonight BARS can be the online and 2 meter Guru’s on LOTW. A lot of people need LOTW help. There were 15 people present at the meeting. K1TWF called the meeting to order and asked for introductions Discussion on topics of interest including: – Hands free mobile – …
- March 2, 2016 – Member Meeting – LOTW for Beginners
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, March 2, 2016. Topic: “Log Book of the World (LOTW) for Beginners” plus Members Roundtable Last month we discussed NPOTA as a club activity to an enthusiastic response. Tonight we follow up with some …
- February 3rd Meeting: NPOTA!
The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, February 3, 2016. Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM Topic: National Parks ON the AIR! “Throughout 2016, Amateur Radio will be helping the National Park Service celebrate their 100th anniversary. Hams from across the country will activate NPS units, promote …
- Regular Meeting – December 2015
Billerica Amateur Radio Society Meeting 12/02/15 Meeting called to order by Tom Walsh K1TW at 1907 13 members attended along with 2 guests. Members introduced themselves telling about their operating activities. Gary W1GFF commented on the BARS net with good attendance. It meets on Wednesdays, 8 PM using the Billerica …
- December 2nd Meeting: Fred, AB1OC on Installing and Operating HF Mobile
The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, December 2, 2015. The BARS 8 PM Wednesday night net will not meet because of the club meeting. Members are encouraged to get on Billerica (147.12) on their way to/from the meeting instead. Meeting Time: 7:00-9:30 PM Topic: …
- Regular Meeting – November 2015
Billerica Amateur Radio Society Meeting 11/4/15 The meeting was called to order by Jim N1HTS at 1903. 13 members were present. Jim, N1HTS, presided over the meeting in place of both K1TWF and K1TW who were unable to attend. The attending members introduced themselves. It was noted that Jerry, K0TV, …
- November 4th Meeting: “DXing with a Dipole” and Club Elections
The next meeting of the Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is Wednesday, November 4, 2015. Jim, N1HTS has kindly offered to run things this evening. Our Guest speaker and Topic: Bo Budinger, WA1QYM, will talk about “DXing with a Dipole”. Bo presents a talk that fits well with our BARS …
- Regular Meeting – October 2015
BILLERICA AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY MEETING 10/7/15 Matthews Memorial Church, Chelmsford MA The meeting was called to order at 1909 presided over by VP Tom Walsh K1TW. There were 17 members present. The meeting opened with members introducing themselves. There were two new members: Charlie, W1CEP and Steve, KB1WWK who were …
- October 7 meeting: The Balloon Launch Project
We have Ian MacKenzie, KB3OCF, who will talk all about the balloon launch project the RIT radio club did last year out at RIT. He’ll cover the technology, as well as the FAA rules, and everything else you need to know to do it. Their balloon made it to 100,000 …
- September 2, 2015 – Meeting Topic: “Less is More”, Carl Achin WA1ZCQ
The Billerica Amateur Radio Society resumes its meetings on Wednesday, September 2, 2015 following our summer hiatus. We have secured a new meeting location and invite everyone to join us for the first meeting to be held at: Matthews Memorial Church 128 Gorham St. (Route 3A) East Chelmsford, MA 01824 …
- BOD Meeting – July 2015
BILLERICA AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY BOARD MEETING JULY 8, 2015 The BARS Board met at Bertucci’s Restaurant in Chelmsford. Present were: K1TWF K1TW N1ALO K1YUB Called to order 1840 1 Future meeting locations: At present the club does not have a location for either the VE sessions or the regular meeting. …
- Regular Meeting – June 2015
BARS MEETING 6/3/15 at St. Michael’s in Bedford MA HIGH ALTITUDE BALLOON PROJECT Eric KE1V suggested a project which would involve launching balloons and then following them with APRS etc. This has been done in other parts of the world. He was not necessarily suggesting this as a club activity. …
- Regular Meeting – June 2015
Summer Meeting Break begins after June 3 Meeting BARS goes on its annual summer meeting break until September following this session. Other summer activities will continue including Field Day and Saturday Breakfasts. Should anything else be scheduled it will be announced on the web site. Regular Meetings First Wednesday of …
- Regular Meeting – May 2015
Billerica Amateur Radio Club Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order by K1TWF at 1908 N1HTS reported that we have $719.77 at present in the Treasury. The full report will be uploaded to the website. There are problems with the administration of the BARS YAHOO Group. An investigation into resolving this …
- Regular Meeting – May 2015
Regular Meetings First Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM Next Meeting is May 6th at Location: St. Michael’s Parish Center, 90 Concord Rd., Bedford MA (map) Topics: (1) Mini-Talk by Joe Gifun NQ1D on Medical Reserve Corps (2) Choosing our Field Day Location Tonight’s Approximate Schedule (time may vary): 7:00 …
- Regular Meeting – April 2015
Billerica Amateur Radio Society Meeting Minutes 4/1/15 Submitted by Paul, K1YUB, BARS Secretary (minor edits by K1TW) Meeting called to order at 1919 by President K1TWF A/ Old Business No old business was conducted. B/ New Business 1/ K1SUB has resigned from the Board and KA1GTT, Andy Wallace, has been …
- April 1st Meeting, Something for Everyone
Program: “YL’s, Facebook, and Field Day” Tonight’s meeting features something for everyone. Instead of just one speaker and one topic, tonight’s format features 3 mini-meeting topics. This change of pace should result in a quick paced information filled evening for BARS members. 1. YL’s First up will be Niece, KA1ULN, …
- BOD Meeting – March 2015
The BARS Board met at Bertucci’s in Chelmsford on Wednesday March 18. Attending the meeting were: Mike, K1TWF BARS President Tom, K1TW BARS VP Peter, N1ALO Board Member Andy, KA1GTT BARS Member The following items were discussed: 1. Filling the open Board seat At the BARS March meeting a request …
- Regular Meeting – March 2015
Billerica Amateur Radio Society Meeting 3/4/15 Meeting called to order by VP Tom Walsh K1TW at 1912. A. The Board proposed a dues of $10 per year to the members to begin in September. This will help cover meeting room costs. Ken, WO1N made a motion and Erik, KE1V seconded …
- March 4 Meeting to feature History of Shortwave broadcasting
Program: Our guest for the evening will be Jerry Berg, who will talk about another side of radio–the history of shortwave broadcasting. Jerry has been a shortwave listener since the 1950s, and for the past 30 years he has also been active in researching the history of shortwave broadcasting, and …
- Regular Meeting – February 2015
Trying out a new meeting space in Bedford, BARS members gathered at St Michael’s Parish Center on Wednesday February 4th to hear an outstanding presentation by Erik KE1V. Filling every seat around the big conference table in Room #120 at the Parish Center, Erik provided a first hand account of …
- New Location. February 4th Meeting. “The Elecraft K3 Transceiver” by Erik Kramer KE1V
Program: The Elecraft K3 by Erik Kramer KE1V Erik will review his experiences building his Elecraft K3 HF rig. He will cover the options he chose and why and his initial operating experiences in some recent contests. Some time will also be spent on his overall station setup and future …