Billerica Amateur Radio Society Meeting 3/4/15
Meeting called to order by VP Tom Walsh K1TW at 1912.
A. The Board proposed a dues of $10 per year to the members to begin in September. This will help cover meeting room costs. Ken, WO1N made a motion and Erik, KE1V seconded it. There was no discussion. There was only 1 no vote and the motion passed.
B. Peter K1SUB has resigned from the Board. There is a vacancy on the Board. The President can appoint a member as a new Board member subject to a member approval at the April meeting. Or a special election can be held. No one present expressed an interest in being a Board member at this time. The location of the Board meetings was discussed and one member indicated a possibility of volunteering if a location near Route 128 could be found for BOD meetings. At the present time no one has been appointed. BARS President Mike, K1TWF, will be informed of the matter.
C. Meeting location – this is the second meeting at St. Michael’s Parish Center and it had been earlier indicated that the BARS would meet here for two months. Erik, KE1V. made a motion that we continue at St. Michael’s until we find another suitable location. Scottie, N1PUI, seconded the motion. The motion carried.
There was no additional old or new business. VP K1TW closed the business section of the meeting at 1940.
The rest of the evening was devoted to a very informative talk by Jerry Berg who has authored 4 books on the history of shortwave listening and stations.
Submitted by
Paul Graveline K1YUB