Regular Meeting – June 2015

BARS MEETING 6/3/15 at St. Michael’s in Bedford MA

Eric KE1V suggested a project which would involve launching balloons and then following them with APRS etc. This has been done in other parts of the world. He was not necessarily suggesting this as a club activity. No action was taken. Contact Eric if you are interested.

It was decided that this would be the last meeting in Bedford at the church hall. The change in location had not been a significant factor in attracting a larger attendance. A motion was made, seconded and passed to hold the September and October meetings at the home of K1TWF. Cost of meeting space is a concern. A search will continue for a venue closer to or in Billerica. We are looking for convenient meeting space for use at least between 7 PM – 9:30 PM. WiFi access is helpful. Members are asked to assist in the search.

NF1A thanked BARS members who contributed to the Cystic Fibrosis Walk last month.


K1TWF, the convention chair, described the major points concerning the August Ham Fest. It will follow the traditional pattern which has proven successful over the years. There are a number of banquets: DX Friday night, NEQRP on Saturday, and the Ham Fest banquet on Saturday night with Gordon West WB6NOA as the guest speaker.

Joel Hallis, W1ZR, will attend and present at the convention. Joel writes the “Doctor Is In” column for QST.

K1TW sent around a sign up for the two field day sites. W1HP Andover and W1HH in Chelmsford,

W1HH will operate in Chelmsford at the QTH of Nan, NK1A as either 1A or 2A depending on the number of participants. Jim, N1HTS, is the BARS FD chair. BARS FD will start with at the 0800 Saturday breakfast at Stellios followed by a 0900 set up at the NK1A site. The club will provided power, rigs, a tri-band yagi and 40 meter dipole. N1HTS will send out a list of needed items and a time frame of activities.

BARS activity at W1HP in Andover will be coordinated by Art NF1A. W1HP is the Phillips Andover Radio Club (PARC). The PARC FD chair is Larry, W1DYJ. Contact Larry W1DYJ and Art NF1A directly if you’d like to participate or operate at W1HP in Andover. Larry will schedule your time.

W1HP Andover set up will take place starting Friday and is coordinated by NF1A. BARS members wishing to help out on Friday at W1HP should contact Art NF1A.

A motion was made seconded and passed to authorize up to $200 to be used for the FD operations.

Meeting adjourned 2035

Submitted by Paul Graveline K1YUB


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