Regular Meeting – December 2015

Billerica Amateur Radio Society Meeting 12/02/15

Meeting called to order by Tom Walsh K1TW at 1907
13 members attended along with 2 guests. Members introduced themselves telling about their operating activities.

Gary W1GFF commented on the BARS net with good attendance. It meets on Wednesdays, 8 PM using the Billerica Repeater, except for club meeting nights and holidays. Gary had received some questions about a Christmas party. There was some discussion about changing the date and time and a vote reaffirmed the original date, time and location (1/06/16 Wednesday at the Great Wall in Bedford at 1900 (A Yankee Swap will be held with the gift being around $15.)

Mike K1TWF will continue as president and Tom K1TW will be VP, K1YUB will be Secretary and Bruce W1LUS as Treasurer. Andy KA1GTT and Jim N1HTS will be on the Board. N1HTS will be acting treasurer while W1LUS is away.

There was a question about the possibility of insufficient staff to administer the VE session in January.

Meeting adjourned at 1943

Fred, AB1OC and Anita, AB1QB gave a very detailed and interesting talk about installing a mobile ham radio in a vehicle and their experiences while operating mobile

Submitted by

Paul Graveline


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