BARS BOD Meeting 21 February 2018
Andy Wallace, KA1GTT
Kayla Creamer, W2IRY
Bruce Anderson, W1LUS (via phone)
Paula Crock, KC1EDA
Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF
Henry Christle, WA1VAB
Start Time: 6:05
End Time: 7:15
This meeting covered items from a task list put together by Andy KA1GTT. Topic and resolutions as follows:
- Youth Licensing: Action item – Henry WA1VAB to approach Bruce Blain K1BG to see if he is willing to write up an article for QST based on his presentation last year about lack of youth in the hobby.
- Club Meeting Format will change to the following:
- intro
- short member talk
- break
- main speaker
- business
- adjourn
This is to allow folks who don’t want to sit through a business meeting to leave after the main speaker. Tom K1TW to give the first ‘short member talk’ on the relationship between BARS and ARRL. Mike K1TWF to give second talk on happenings at ARRL.
- BARS flyer: Actions item – Andy to coordinate with Gary W1GFF and discuss updates with him so that we can produce a version for distribution at VE session, ham fests, etc.
- W1DC Repeater help and Field Day planning: Mike K1TWF has had no response from Kevin after two emails sent. Will wait for now in hopes of hearing from him soon.
- VE Session issues:
- Gary W1GFF has expressed desire to switch to W5YI for application processing. This would require BOD and member approval. No action on it for now.
- Bruce W1LUS proposed that we offer a free BARS yearly membership to folks who get a license upgrade at a VE session (currently only given to new licensees). Andy KA1GTT said he would bring that to a vote at the March meeting. This may require an update to the flyer.
- Club web site:
- Successfully moved to by Jesse W1DEA! The old yahoo groups still exists for now and old listserve still in operation but porting to new site is being worked.
- Contact email goes to Andy KA1GTT.
- Still to be done: incorporate Paypal to allow members to pay for membership online, general site improvement to generate traffic including an “about the club” write-up that Andy KA1GTT will work on.
- Newsletter and secretary minutes will be posted on the web site.
- Jesse’s W1DEA radio repair update: it has been fixed, waiting to have it shipped. The BOD would like the club to pay for the repair but this will require a club vote.
- Membership survey: Andy KA1GTT asked the BOD to send potential survey questions, similar to ones used by QRA, to him so that we can create our own member survey.
- Paula KC1EDA offered to approach a co-worker who is involved with Girl Scouts about whether we could find a way to talk to the scouts about the hobby. Andy KA1GTT to send information to her about similar activities done in the area.