BOD Meeting – April 2014

Billerica Amateur Radio Society

Minutes of April 21, 2014 Board Meeting


  • President:Mike RaisbeckK1TW
  • Vice President:Tom Walsh K1TW
  • BOD member:Peter Norden N1ALO
  • BOD Member:Peter Speen K1SUB
  • Ex Officio:Jerry Muller K0TV
  • BARS Member:Jim Idelson K1IR


  • Secretary:Erik Kramer KE1V
  • Treasurer:Bruce Anderson W1LUS

Call to order:

Mike K1TWF called the Board meeting to order at approximately 6:40 PM

Topics for May 7th Member Meeting:

  • Field Day Planning (Tom K1TW)
  • Overview of the new BARS Website (Jim K1IR)

Tom K1TW volunteered to be Field Day chair. Mike K1TW and Jerry K0TV will each be a Station Captain (Class 2A). This Field Day will emphasize fun and social aspects of BARS.  Plan is to be low stress  (i.e., non-competitive).

Saturday Breakfast:

On Saturday mornings around 8:15AM, BARS meets weekly in Billerica for a casual, social breakfast.  We are trying out a new Location for April 26, 2014:

Stelio’s Family Restaurant
293 Boston Road
Billerica, MA 01862
Tel: 978-528-5780

Newsletter and Web site integration:

We discussed using the BARS Website to communicate news to the members.  The idea is to integrate newsletter type of information into a constant stream of news and information delivered to the membership via the Web site. In lieu of a monthly newsletter, there will be a monthly email to the membership prior to each meeting announcing the meeting topics, along with a high level club news summary for the past month pointing to the web for more details.  In lieu of having a newsletter editor, Tom joins our web-oriented team (now consisting of Erik, Jim, Tom) to help develop news, content, and manage the BARS web site.  All BOD members should be actively engaged in providing content.

Frequency of Board Meetings:

Board meetings are proposed to be held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the home of our President, pending agreement from Erik and Bruce who were not present at this BOD meeting.

Pending Items:

  • Locate VE session handouts publicizing BARS meetings
  • Discuss use of Billerica Repeater with members (and possible interest for a net or ncs).


As there was no other business, the BOD meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM

Tom Walsh K1TW

BARS Vice President

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