Billerica Amateur Radio Society
Minutes of May 21, 2014 Board Meeting
President: Mike Raisbeck K1TWF
Vice President: Tom Walsh K1TW
BOD member: Peter Norden N1ALO
BOD Member: Peter Speen K1SUB
Ex Officio: Jerry Muller K0TV
BARS Member: Nan Araway NK1A (FD Social Chair)
Secretary: Erik Kramer KE1V
Treasurer: Bruce Anderson W1LUS
Call to order:
Mike K1TWF called the Board meeting to order at approximately 6:30 PM
June 4th Member Meeting:
– Topic is Field Day Planning
– K1TWF will lead the meeting, continuing the rotating approach to meeting convenors
Pending Items from earlier meetings (not discussed):
– Locate VE session handouts publicizing BARS meetings
– Discuss use of Billerica Repeater with members (and possible interest for a net or ncs).
Main discussion topic for this Board meeting was to carefully review all details concerning club operation and to ensure every item is being addressed. A list of about 18-20 total items were identified. Action items were assigned to BOD members to investigate any items which are not already addressed. An update will be presented by K1TW at the next Board meeting.
The Board also discussed Field Day expenses. A motion will be made at the June 4th member meeting for member approval to allocate $300 to cover Field Day expenses.
As there was no other business, the BOD meeting adjourned at approximately 7:40 PM
Tom Walsh K1TW
BARS Vice President