BOD Meeting Minutes: March 19, 2014
- N1HTS will check the mailbox for contents.
- Erik offered to work on the website due to there not being any other volunteers. He’s concerned about time available but will do his best.
- Venue will be at the K1TWF residence for April, May and June.
- Field Day will be sited at Nan’s house in Chelmsford
- Honoring Mike: there was discussion about using this year’s field day to honor Mike and perhaps using Boxboro as well.
- K0TV will bring a station to Field Day
- At the next meeting:
- We should have a discussion about the upcoming DMR repeater project and its use of N1IW’s call sign
- Having a “Hassle Free” Field Day.
- Discuss topics of interest
- Using the VE sessions to do club outreach
- K0TV will write up a blurb on the club for QRZ.