BOD Meeting – August 2016


Club VP K1TW opened the meeting at 1906

The present status of the club was discussed. Positive accomplishments over the last year noted.
+ The club has an active net with KA1ULN as net manager.
+ There are successful Saturday breakfast sessions w/ good attendance
+ The continuing VE sessions are producing new hams.
+ The monthly meetings are held with good interesting programs.
+ The club now has a stable meeting place.

Things we should be doing include:
+ Increase club numbers;
+ Start a membership drive;
+ Need recruiting suggestions;
+ Seek club volunteers to contact and recruit members.
+ Create a new flyer to recruit new members at ham-fests, other events, and our VE sessions;
+ Promote club’s Get-on-the-Air Project. Goal is to promote HF operating and “Discover the HF Experience”. BARS remains a “General Interest Club” so we will continue to cover all facets of amateur radio but with a focus on helping people get on HF.
+ KA1ULN suggested giving any new hams passing the test at our VE session get free BARS dues for a year. Confirm at next meeting.

Topic: W1 QSL sort and pizza party.

OCTOBER 2016 MEETING 10/5 : More about “The HF EXPERIENCE”.
The October meeting will focus on why we are a HF club.
Set up several speakers. Each speaker will talk for 5-10 minutes.

Looking ahead:
– The annual dues will remain $10 dollars from September 1 through August 31.
– The club is looking for new officers.
– K1YUB confirmed that he is not up for re-election as Secretary in the upcoming election.
– KA1GTT indicated that he is interested in being secretary.
– KA1ULN says she is interested in being on the Board.
– As a GENERAL INTEREST HF CLUB, KA1ULN suggested bringing gear to auction at meeting.
– Club to continue General Interest and HF focus with a our goal to promote the “Get on the Air project”.

Meeting adjoining at 2030.

Submitted by
Paul Graveline K1YUB

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